Learn More About Direct Mail

Why choose Direct Mail for Your Business?

Direct Mail is PROVEN to help drive customer traffic and sales.

Reach Almost Anyone

Why limit your reach to someone who purchases a newspaper or who happens to be listening to a TV/Radio station when your advertisement appears. Direct mail can saturate your message.

Focus Your Audience

You can determine the Best Audience for your business. Using the Focused Mailing Approach, we can search for items such as age, income, hobbies, home rent or own, family, area, and any number of values.

Extended Shelf Life of Your Message

No need to limit your message to a 30 second television spot. Tell your entire message or use multiple "touches" to brand your message. Add features such as QR codes so the customer can interact to a web site for additional information. And remember, the customer may keep your card for future usage when the time is right for them.

Affordable Options

You can alter quantity, postage options, and type card to fit your budget. Direct mail pricing starts as low as 200 pieces and the discounts increase with quantity.

United States Post Office Informational Guides

Read the USPS How-To Guide for Using Effective Direct Mail: Click here to Learn more!

Getting Direct with Direct Mail: Click here to read!

Post Office Direct Mail Tidd-Bits

51% of all mail sent is Direct Mail
81% of recipients read or scan their mail daily ... people enjoy receiving mail
79% of consumers find reading mail more convenient than going online
42% of 25 to 34 year olds said they read mail immediately and find it useful
Direct mail works for Young and Older Generations
Direct Mail helped improve the "lift" of local ads by 44% and online campaigns by 62%
58% of households with income over $65K purchased from Direct Mail in 2009

USPS Information

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What We Do!

Right Message / Right Person / Right Time

NCOA - Direct Mail - List Rental
Card Design - CASS Certify - List Enhancement
Bulk Mail Rates - Postal Standards